Thursday, January 2, 2014

When I woke up this morning I felt better than I had for a long time.  I thought with exercising for 45 minutes yesterday I would be sore.  I really believe the difference was drinking water the day before.  I had water with me all day long.  I would get hungry and I would get my water.  I ate in moderation and drank my water.  I feel like my legs could move more freely when I got up this morning. I know it was due to drinking water.  I can’t believe in just one day what a difference I felt.
 Pop is one of my biggest problems.  I have done well in not drinking a lot of pop lately but I sure am tempted when I see those coke commercials. Those cute little polar bears don’t help either.
 Water helps us in so many ways in our health.  Doctors are always telling us about the benefits of water and how drinking water helps us in so many ways, anywhere, from helping headaches to helping the glow of our skin and eyes.  Another plus is ordering water when we go out to eat.  Think about the money we will save.  I’m all for that!
I bought a special drinking container and plan on always keeping it close to me. I found a cup that is my favorite color to help to enjoy drinking water.  I hope you join me in drinking water for our heath. Try it for at least a day and let me know how you feel the next day.  I bet you will be surprised!

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