Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cat Nap

My cat, Lucky
Do you ever take a power nap during in the day? I call them cat naps. I came home today after work, and I needed a nap. I have been going to bed around midnight this whole week and getting up at 6:00 a.m. I am simply worn out. I am a person who needs 8 hours of sleep, and when I do not have eight hours I do not function like I should.
I have felt sluggish all day. I can tell when I get too tired, because I start getting a sore throat.  My body is telling me to get some sleep or at least take a small power nap.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends a short nap, between 20-30 minutes a day if you are feeling tired. If you are tired it helps with alertness, and it may help you catch up on the sleep that you missed. Try not to take too long of a nap because it could mess up your sleep schedule, which could cause you not to be able to sleep at night.
My blog is not going to be too long tonight because I am tired, so I am going to take a quick power (cat) nap and I know I will be a lot better tomorrow!
Make sure you get a lot of sleep tonight! Remember, we need to take care of our health!

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