Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I am going back to work tomorrow, and I am scared. I am scared I will overeat tomorrow. Being snowed in has helped me control what I eat and when I exercise. Some people have said that staying home makes them overeat. I am the exact opposite; I eat more when I work full time. It is not about the workplace it is all about how much time I have in the day. I do not take the time to plan what I eat or the time to exercise when I work. I am a horrible morning person. I really wish I was a morning person, and I hope that on this weight loss journey I will turn into a morning person. Thinking about exercising at 5:30 in the morning and then getting ready for work and packing my lunch makes me depressed.
When work is over I feel so rushed running errands and driving home only to get home and have more to do. When this happens I do not feel like taking the time to make a healthy supper. I just want to grab something quick and easy, and that something is usually very unhealthy, even though I know that I need to make better choices. I need to evaluate what changes I can make in my life such as going to bed earlier (which is really hard for me), and I need to take time the night before to prepare my meals for the next day.
I need to stop the excuses and quit complaining and look at the positives in my life. I have a job. I have wonderful family and friends. Some people do not have a job, and some people have no family to go home to. I will get up tomorrow and get over it while being positive. Tomorrow is a new day. I choose to fight off these morning blues. I choose to look at the positive.
Stayed tuned for tomorrow. I hope to have a positive report! No, I will have a positive report!

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