Thursday, January 30, 2014

One of Those Squiggly Days

Today is one of those days where I am feeling frustrated because the progress isn't happening fast enough. Where the fat feels like a straight jacket. I want it off like Houdini did, a little concentration and abracadabra, he's free. Oh, the beauty and curse of a magic trick. It fools us into thinking things can be done in a blink of an eye, but at the same time it shows us that you can accomplish the seemingly impossible if you practice consistently and use your imagination.

I'm doing everything I am supposed to do. I'm exercising every day, I am eating clean (but I have had a few setbacks, especially during the holidays). I would say I'm eating a 90% plant-based diet. Yet, the weight stubbornly refuses to budge more than a few pounds. I don't get it. Some days it makes me want to scream. Enough! Uncle! I give! I'm on my knees. I pray. What do I need to do? Do I need to live in the gym? Do I need to live on celery and water? Whatever it is, tell me and I'll do it. Well, that's almost true, I am willing to do anything that is healthy. I'm not willing to take shortcuts like starvation diets or drugs. Above all it must be healing to my mind, body and spirit.

I think I just gave myself the answer. There are no shortcuts to a healthy lifestyle. I have eaten the Standard American Diet nearly all my life, almost 50 years! I can't reasonably expect to reverse everything overnight or even in a few months. I know it takes time.

I just want anyone who is feeling frustrated, because they're doing everything they know to do and still aren't seeing the progress they expect, to know I feel your pain! I get frustrated sometimes too. Today is one of those days. It's that same obstacle I've bumped up against a million times where I feel frustrated and "give in" to temptation because the negative voice in my head says, "Why bother? It's not making a difference anyway. Sure, you may have a little more energy, but you're still in pain and the weight isn't going away. Is this how you want to live? Deprived? For what reason?" This time the strong, lean, healthy person inside me is prepared and plows through the obstacle. My why is strong enough to survive the mental thrashing. Why bother? For what reason? For many reasons... so I don't have to keep going down the same dead end road, so I can get the weight off (it WILL happen) and my knees and feet will stop hurting, so that I can feel good in my skin again, so I will live a quality life with abundant energy, so I will be a good role model for my family and for the people who are looking for proof that faith, persistence, and a healthy lifestyle works.

It is definitely not a straight line from the decision to get healthy and fit to the finish line. It's more like a squiggly line!

Hang in there.


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