Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 2 - Swim Lessons

Day 2 of the Great Weight Off Challenge and you may be feeling excited about the possibilities of achieving your goals and imagining success. Go with that feeling. Visualize yourself healthy, at your ideal weight, and with abundant energy. What would you do if you had all the energy you needed and wanted? Would you go dancing? Picture that. Would you go hang gliding, sky diving, scuba diving, swimming at the beach, or on some grand adventure? Imagine it. Feel the gentle wind and warm sun on your skin. What sounds do you hear? Involve your senses. Immerse yourself in the imagined experience.

For some, the excuses may already be kicking in. "This Challenge has already started." "I don't have time for a Challenge." "I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm confused." "Who is going to help me?" Tell those excuses to take a hike! Let any negative thoughts go and watch positive changes start to take place in your life.

No matter what day of the Challenge it is, it is never too late to start. The moment you are ready to take charge of your health is a call to action. By taking action, YOU are helping yourself. Mentors, coaches, and support will appear in many forms once you start taking the journey towards living your best life.
 Check out the Grant County Family YMCA

This morning I went to the Y and worked out with my daughter, which was so nice. I love spending quality time with my family doing healthy things. We haven't been to the Y in several months. I didn't realize how much I missed working out in a gym.

After we did some cardio and strength training, I decided to go do a few laps in the pool, maybe get in 10 or 15 minutes of swim time. Near the pool entrance, I noticed a "Swim a 100 Miles in a Year Challenge" display on the wall. There were tiny squares on the poster board that looked like they must each represent a mile. There was a sign hanging nearby that showed 36 laps or 72 lengths equals a mile. I thought it was a good idea and got in the pool. The moment I submerged my body into the tepid water, I could feel stress I didn't even know had leave my body. It felt SO good and made me wonder why I ever stopped coming in to swim.

As I swam, I noticed the square tiles on the bottom of the pool, which made me think about the squares I saw on the Swim 100 Miles Challenge board. Each square represented 36 laps.

I started counting my laps.

Then it hit me... what a Challenge is all about.

A Challenge is about pushing yourself beyond what you would normally do. I went to the pool to swim for a few minutes. An hour later, I had swam almost a mile. I would have made it to 36 laps if I didn't have to pee! Once I got out of the pool, I was ready to go, but the lesson stayed with me.

I never have been big into sports or competition. But, in that moment in the pool, I got it. The competition is fun and may come with rewards, but it's really not about beating anyone else's score, it's about becoming a better me and I am the one in charge of making that happen, one stroke at a time.

Wishing You Abundant Health and Happiness,


P.S. Our first Meetup is tomorrow (Tuesday, January 14, 2014) from 5-6 p.m. at The Optimist Store located in the lower level of the Centrum Mall, 428 S. Washington Street, Marion, IN 46952. I'm looking forward to meeting you in person. Hope you can make it. If not, don't worry, there will be more opportunities. 

Questions? Email


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