Sunday, January 5, 2014


Do you run to the grocery store when they are calling for a big snow storm? I have to admit I went to the grocery store right after work after I heard about the storm coming this weekend. The store was packed!  All the lines were open there were about ten people in each line. Carts were full of all kinds of unhealthy snacks and pop.  As I looked at my cart and what was in it, it did not look too appealing for being snowed in.  I remember not too long ago that I could not be snowed in without my pop and snacks. I would go crazy.  I would got out in a blizzard for pop and candy. Not this time. No pop and unhealthy snacks in this cart anymore. 
I know we cannot live without food, but why do we feel that we cannot survive a storm without our comfort food. I know I am in the same boat feeling this way. I am going to survive with my healthy food in this snow storm. I am trying different recipes that are healthy, which I really enjoy doing in my spare time. Some turn out and some do not. When they do turn out I love to share with others to see if they like the recipe as well.
I love pizza! It is comfort food to me. I could eat pizza every day, and that has not turned out so well for me. This is a recipe for a healthier pizza crust that I want to share with you that my daughter and her friend made one weekend. Load this up with your favorite vegetables and go light on the cheese. When I ate this for the first time last week I felt full but I did not feel like I always do after I just ate a regular pizza. Give it a try.

Comfort Pizza Dough

1 1/3 cups water

2 teaspoons sugar

1¼ teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons olive oil

3 cups white whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

¼ teaspoon basil

½ teaspoon oregano

1 packet of yeast

1¼ tablespoon vital wheat gluten (optional) 

If you have bread machine set it on “Dough” cycle.  If not knead it and let rise for 1 hour.  Spread dough out in shape of a pizza or a shape of your choosing, prick crust with a fork several times to eliminate air bubbles.
Bake at 400⁰F for 7-10 minutes depending on thickness of the crust before you add any toppings. Take out of the oven and add your sauce, cheese and  toppings of your choice. Bake until done, (about 10-15 minutes). Enjoy!
I really like onions on my pizza as you can tell.

This makes my home smells like a pizzeria! Delicious!


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