Thursday, January 9, 2014

Zoe, my dog, bringing me the Chronicle-Tribune

The Great Weight Off is here and now is the time to get started. You can win prizes just by losing weight. The Chronicle-Tribune and its sponsors, Marion General Hospital and the YMCA in Marion, are looking for people who want to change their lives. You can be a part of this fun and adventurous 13 week program. The Chronicle-Tribune is getting the word out and we want you all to join us!
I am ready and willing to research and write about all kinds of ways we can have a more abundant life in all areas of our health. We are so excited that we have already had several people who want to be in the “Great Weight Off.” This shows me that there are so many people who are ready to start living a healthy lifestyle. It is time to take back our community and believe in ourselves again!
I have lost the weight before and I did not do it the right way, and the weight came right back. When I did lose weight I felt like the world was mine and I had confidence in myself. I want that feeling back, and I am going to get it back by doing it the right way this time.
 January 12th will be the first day of this journey. It might be hard at first, but it will all be worth more than gold to be able to find the confidence that was in you all along.
Look at yourself in the mirror and say I AM WORTH IT! AND BELIEVE IT!
Let’s shake off these winter blues and start thinking about a new you in the spring and summer months to come!

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