Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sweetser Switch Trail
Do you like to walk? I think walking is a great way to lose weight and feel good about yourself. This summer I enjoyed walking the Sweetser Switch Trail. I wished I would have walked it a lot more. It is so peaceful, and it has a beautiful view of nature. Go out and try walking a walkway that is close to you. When it gets nice out I am going to go more often. I also enjoy participating in local 5k walks. I went to a few this summer. I really enjoyed meeting new people, and the t-shirt was an extra bonus. Since I am snowed in right now I am working out with my walk tapes that my kids got me for Christmas. They are not hard and I enjoy how they flow gradually into slightly more challenging exercises while remaining low impact. I just finished a walk tape from the Biggest Loser. I love watching that program.
There are all kinds of walk tapes out there. You could even go to your local library and rent exercise DVDs if you are concerned about costs or if you want to try one out before you buy it. If regular exercise DVDs are just too hard to do when you are beginning your new exercise program try a walk tape!

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