Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I have been working off and on all day on a post I want to share with you about affirmations, action, and accountability. I  realize after writing for several hours, that those three topics could be a book and definitely need to be broken down into three separate posts. I decided to write the post on affirmations first.

We often focus so much on eating and exercise that we forget how big of a role the mind plays in making it all happen, getting us healthy from the inside out. I make a point of doing things that strengthen my mind every day. I have become very disciplined about it and believe that this daily practice has strengthened my mind to the point that it will enable to transform my physical body as well.

I read and listen to devotionals (Joyce Meyer is my favorite) every day. I also like to learn as much as I can about how the mind works. In fact, I'm making a point of going to the Noblesville Public Library next Thursday to listen to sports psychologist, Dr. Rob Bell talk about his new book, The Hinge: The Importance of Mental Toughness.

I believe affirmations bring mental toughness. They are positive power thoughts that help your mind become resilient to stresses that are part of life as well as help you accomplish your goals.

In order for affirmations to work, you have to believe that they will work and at first that may be hard to do. You may feel as thought you are lying to yourself. Joyce Meyer says in one her sermons that she told herself that she was a non-smoker even as she puffed on a cigarette. Your mind will work to make what you tell yourself a reality. 

If you feel resistance to affirmations, you will need to suspend disbelief, like you do when you walk into a movie theater and believe that Harry Potter can really fly. Just go with it and watch how it helps you transform your life.

I once worked with a life coach who asked me to write down some affirmations and she made it into a CD for me so I could listen to it when I was in the car. I listened to those affirmations several times a day for weeks. I still have it and listen to it sometimes. I had to do it to break through the negative and insecure thoughts that constantly bombarded my mind. It helped me tremendously.

There are so many things that have worked together in harmony to help bring me to the path of wellness I am on. Affirmations are at the top of the list. I encourage you to make your own list of affirmations and post it where you will read them every day until those affirmations becomes your reality.

If you need help thinking of affirmations, check out Louise Hay. She is one of my favorite mentors and has a ton of affirmations that have helped millions of people transform their life.

Here are a few affirmations that have helped me:

  • I love you. (Say this in a mirror. Louise calls it mirror work.)
  • I am healthy and strong.
  • I only compare myself to my higher self.
  • I believe in myself and my abilities.
  • I make good things happen.
  • Love is all around me.
  • Life is good. (Two guys believe in this affirmation so much they created a multi-million dollar business!)
  • I am a child of God and am loved unconditionally.
  • I am focused and clear on my purpose in life.
  • I make a positive difference in society. 

I have been saying that last affirmation in first, second, and third person for about ten years. I wonder if it influenced me to create The OPTIMIST Store?!

I wish I could remember the name of an audio book I listened to about affirmations. It was one of the most powerful lessons I have learned about affirmations. The author suggested that you use your name in first person, second person, and third person. For example, instead of just saying "I am healthy and strong" you would use your name. I would say, I Kathy Gerstorff am healthy and strong. Then, You, Kathy Gerstorff are healthy and strong, and She, Kathy Gerstorff is healthy and strong.

For me, affirmations did not work immediately. It was a slow process, imperceptible, like the earth revolving around the sun. In small ways I started to see my thought process improve. Now, I think positive thoughts most of the time.

I'm not saying I never get a negative thought, but when it happens, I can turn it around quickly because I have conditioned my mind through personal development which includes affirmations. My PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) keeps me from having PMS (Permanent Mental Stagnation).

Louise Hay's book, You Can Heal Your Life, was also instrumental in helping me learn about the power of affirmations to not only heal my mind from past hurts, but to put me on a positive path that enables me to help others heal their life too.

You have nothing to lose by doing affirmations and it may a missing piece to the puzzle that helps you get healthy and live your best life!


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