Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our First Podcast

Journey to Health with Julie and Kathy Podcast #1, Part #1

Journey to Health with Julie and Kathy Podcast #1, Part #2

Our first podcast! It's not perfect, but it's a start. (The recorder abruptly stopped about 12 minutes in, so we called it Part 1). The hardest part of any big project like this is moving past analysis paralysis and fear of failure. We got clear with what we wanted to do, set a start date, and followed through ready or not. We are happy about that and plan to use the same process to get healthy! Starting our podcast reminds me of what this is all about, which is the journey. It is a collection of small wins that leads to success.

In this podcast, Julie and I introduce ourselves and talk about what we hope to accomplish with the blog and podcast. We also talk about taking care of ourselves first, which is one of Julie's resolutions..I mentioned the airplane oxygen mask metaphor. The idea being that if you don't put your mask on first, you can't help anyone else. It also applies to taking care of our mind, body and spirit. If we don't take care of ourselves, how can we have the strength to help others? I also mentioned Jon Gordon's book, ONE WORD and his website, where you can create your own power word poster and post it or put it on your vision board. .

We mentioned the Great Weight Off which starts January 12th. If you would like to take this journey with us and improve your health, sign up for this 12-week challenge. It's free! Besides getting healthier, you will have fun and may win some fabulous prizes! Simply email your name, address, phone number, and 12-week weight loss goal to We are looking forward to this taking this journey with our family, friends, and community. Group support of like-minded people and accountability are great motivators for sticking with your goals.

Sign up today and let's get healthy!


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