Friday, January 3, 2014

Are You Ready?

ARE YOU READY TO GET HEALTHY AND FIT? I sure am! 2014 is THE year for me and it can be for YOU too!

The news is finally out. I have been keeping this "secret" for weeks! :) The  Chronicle-Tribune, Marion General Hospital, and the Grant County Family YMCA are sponsoring a FREE 12-week community wellness and weight-loss program called, The Great Weight Off. Julie Hoch and I will be visiting the local health and wellness places and talking with the experts, then writing a weekly article about what we learn as well as reporting on our health and weight loss progress.

We will also be doing a weekly podcast called Journey to Health with Julie and Kathy where we will talk about wellness related topics and tie-in with this community program. We are super-excited about the opportunity to get healthy, lose weight, and help as many people as we can along the way.

YOU can be a part of this journey too! You can make 2014 the year you take charge of your health. To sign up, email your Name, Weight Loss Goal, Address, and Phone Number to: Besides getting updates, you will be eligible to win prizes and special offers from participating merchants.

The Great Weight Off begins January 12, 2014. Let's get healthy together!


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