Thursday, January 23, 2014

Does Food Make You Happy?

Does food make you happy? I have been doing a little soul searching, and I have found that I have always believed that food does make me happy. As this 12 week journey goes on, I am finding out how food has always ran my life. When I get upset, I run to food. When I get together with family and friends, I eat even more food. When someone comes to my home, I am always pushing food down their throats. I am now recognizing this pattern in myself.

I believe it is not about the food. Instead it is about how I abused food. I was eating food like it was Thanksgiving every day. I was trying to push down my feelings with food instead of dealing with issues that were before me. I have to look at everything in a different way now.

Sure, I think it is ok to be excited for a meal that is coming up, but I should not be using a scoop shovel to eat my meal! I am finding out that when I have been eating smaller portions of food I enjoy the food much better.  I actually take the time to taste the food instead of eating it fast in large amounts while wondering what the food really tastes like. Does this sound familiar to any of you?

This blog is really hard for me to write because reality has spoken to me. I am changing the way I look at food. When family and friends get together I need to have healthier foods out. I have been promoting unhealthy foods when people come over, and that not only hurts me, it also endangers the health of those I love.

Now when I have company over I will have healthier choices to offer. I will still have my coffee and creamer (that is always a given), but I vow to offer healthier choices for me and my guests.


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