Sunday, January 19, 2014


My scales are broken! They have to be. How can my weight go up a pound and my BMI (Body Mass Index – aka fat %) go down two percent? My conclusion is that I am gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. I am excited about that because muscle burns more calories than fat, even when I'm asleep!

I will never again allow myself to get discouraged because of a number on the scales. I realize that this is a process, a lifestyle, a journey. It's not a diet or a quick fix for me. The Great Weight Off Challenge is a blast. I love the adventure, making new friends and getting reacquainted with old friends, plus giving and receiving support, but this will last a lot longer than 12 weeks for me. It's forever. I am making these changes to save my life and have a higher quality of life. As long as I continue to eat clean and exercise consistently, the results will come; including the numbers I long to see on my broken scales.

Another indicator that my health is improving is my energy level is going back up. I can tell because I have been getting up early to go to the Y instead of pushing the snooze button a dozen times and I don't feel that afternoon slump that makes me want put an ostrich pillow on my head and zonk out on my desk.

So, it's important to remember that the scales are only one measuring tool and not a very reliable one at that, especially when starting a vigorous exercise program.


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