Sunday, January 12, 2014


Our minds play a key role in our weight loss journey. We have to put all of those negative comments to rest. It is so sad when I hear all of the negative comments about people who are overweight. It is not like we planned on gaining weight. We are the same person on the inside whether we are overweight or thin. People who look at a person only on the outside and not the inside could really miss out on a true friendship.

In today’s world everything revolves around looks. I do not like walking in a clothing store only to be ignored by the salesperson. I want the same acknowledgement that a thinner person gets. Sure, I want to look better, but it is not all about looks, it is about becoming healthier and feeling good. I want to get out of bed every morning and enjoy the day and what opportunities each new day has to offer. I am tired of feeling like a tortoise.

I had a woman approach me the other day, and she was so excited about joining the “Great Weight Off.” She asked me what we are going to do and how we are going to help her lose weight. I proceeded to tell her that it is not all about the food. I told her some people have had horrible comments made about their weight and those comments take up shop in the back of our minds. Some individuals feel that they are not worthy to work on themselves when someone has already told them that they are worthless, but this is not true. As I looked at her when I was speaking tears welled up in her eyes. Right then I knew someone very close to her had wounded this wonderful, giving woman’s heart sometime in her life. I hope and pray this woman heals and with her being a part of the “Great Weight Off” she will be able to know she is worth it, and no one will ever make her feel this way again.

Right now we need to be around people who give us positive energy not negative energy. When this program ends you will be looked on as a positive role model!

My hat is off to you all who have decided to join us on this journey. I hope that this challenge helps us all get to the root of our weight problems so that we can live the healthy life that God intends for us all to live.


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