Friday, January 17, 2014

Picky Eater

Are you a picky eater? I am not as bad as I was when I was little, but I still am picky when it comes to food. I used to sit at the table for what seemed like hours. I hated coming in and eating supper every night because I knew my mom would make something that I did not like to eat. Then my dad would make me sit at the table until I ate the food. My three sisters also had to sit at the table just like me when there was something that they did not like.
I was very stubborn, and I thought that I would win and dad would let me get up from the table. Unfortunately I never did win. I always had to sit there until I ate every last bite of food on my plate.  

Now I will at least try new foods. I have been surprised at how I end up liking certain foods now, that I hated when I was younger. I am still a little apprehensive on some things, but I have grown out of that stage. I have allowed my taste buds to experience a whole new world of different foods.
Today Kathy and I had lunch with some women from the Great Weight Off, and Kathy brought in lunch for everyone, (email us at to receive group updates about future outings). She had us prepare raw tacos. I looked around the table for the taco shells, but I did not see any shells. She had us use romaine lettuce leaves instead of a taco shell. I have to admit that I was a little skeptic about trying this raw taco, but I decided that I was going to be a good sport and at least try it.

I was amazed; I really liked this raw taco, and I did not even have to sit at the table for a long time, like when I was little. I also tried different kinds of hummus dips. This was also something else that I would have never tried before. I left lunch today all excited that I had found something that I liked, and the best thing of all……..It was healthy! Kudos to you Kathy!
I encourage everyone to get out there and try something new. Sometimes you just have to prepare a food in a different way, like I did with kale when I made kale chips, in order to like something new. I do not like eating kale raw, but when I decided to try kale chips I loved them. I took something healthy that I did not really enjoy eating, and found a way to prepare it so that I did. So put your taste buds out there and discover something new and healthy today.


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