Friday, January 31, 2014


How often do you get on the scales? The quickest way to torment yourself is to weigh every day! I weigh in once a week which

is enough torture for me. The only reason I am weighing in once a week is because of our 12 week GREAT WEIGHT OFF Community Challenge, which ironically is publishing only our weight as a measurement of progress. Fortunately, we can write about it in the accompanying article, here on our blog and talk about it on our podcast to put it perspective.

The scales have been given way too much power as the primary progress measuring device, when in fact, it's way down the list as the most reliable measuring tool. What's more reliable? Lots of things! A BLOOD TEST to measure what is going on inside your body, a SKIN CALIPER to measure fat % - it's fat we want to lose not weight. Weight includes muscle and that is what we want to strengthen and grow, which at first will distort the number on the scale. I have seen my weight go up or remain the same while my BMI (fat %) went down. CLOTHES - Are you clothes getting looser? BODY MEASUREMENTS - Measuring the inches on your chest, waist, hips, thighs, arms, and legs are a great way to see progress. You can keep track of these measurements on a paper log, spreadsheet, or with Apps such as MyFitnessPal so you can see progress over time too. There are SO many ways to measure progress besides the scales. Check out this list from Whole30.  What other ways to measure your wellness progress can you think of?

THE IDEAL SCALE - I think there should be digital scales with words (and maybe a talking voice) instead of numbers for when you weigh in. If you get on the scales, once a week at the same time, it will give you the number, but if you weigh in more than that, it will tell you other things such as affirmations (I love you unconditionally, you are beautiful) or exercise suggestions (walk 15 minutes, stretch 10 minute, meditate 5 minutes, plank for 1 minute...), or tell you other ways to measure your progress such as (take a picture, try on your skinny jeans, stretch test, etc). Sounds like the perfect scale to me. Maybe someone will invent it and I'll see it on Shark Tank!


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Veggie Pizza

Have you ever had veggie pizza? When I first heard of veggie pizza I thought to myself, “This does not sound good at all.” I love pizza, but cold pizza with vegetables on it did not sound that appetizing. I like baked thin crust pizza with cheese and vegetables, but this veggie pizza has unbaked vegetables on it. How can that taste good?

Years ago my mom made this recipe. She cut up the vegetables, made the crust, and the sauce, and I tried it. I figured that this was a lot of work for something that was not going to taste good. I am glad that I tried it, because if I hadn’t tried it I wouldn’t have known that I love it, and now I make it a lot. This is a great recipe to make for any occasion.

Yesterday, work was called off because of the cold, and I thought it was a good day to make this delicious veggie pizza. I get to eat my pizza and have my vegetables too!


Healthy Veggie Pizza


1 ½ cans of reduced fat Pillsbury crescent rolls

1 package dry ranch dip mix

1 ½ cup low fat mayonnaise

1 ½ cup of reduced fat shredded cheese

1 cup carrots

2 cups broccoli

2 cups cauliflower

1 small onion (diced)


Roll out crescent rolls to form a rectangle. Bake according to instructions. Let crust cool. Mix ranch dip and mayonnaise. Spread on crust evenly. Add toppings to crust and finish topping it off with cheese. Enjoy!


One of Those Squiggly Days

Today is one of those days where I am feeling frustrated because the progress isn't happening fast enough. Where the fat feels like a straight jacket. I want it off like Houdini did, a little concentration and abracadabra, he's free. Oh, the beauty and curse of a magic trick. It fools us into thinking things can be done in a blink of an eye, but at the same time it shows us that you can accomplish the seemingly impossible if you practice consistently and use your imagination.

I'm doing everything I am supposed to do. I'm exercising every day, I am eating clean (but I have had a few setbacks, especially during the holidays). I would say I'm eating a 90% plant-based diet. Yet, the weight stubbornly refuses to budge more than a few pounds. I don't get it. Some days it makes me want to scream. Enough! Uncle! I give! I'm on my knees. I pray. What do I need to do? Do I need to live in the gym? Do I need to live on celery and water? Whatever it is, tell me and I'll do it. Well, that's almost true, I am willing to do anything that is healthy. I'm not willing to take shortcuts like starvation diets or drugs. Above all it must be healing to my mind, body and spirit.

I think I just gave myself the answer. There are no shortcuts to a healthy lifestyle. I have eaten the Standard American Diet nearly all my life, almost 50 years! I can't reasonably expect to reverse everything overnight or even in a few months. I know it takes time.

I just want anyone who is feeling frustrated, because they're doing everything they know to do and still aren't seeing the progress they expect, to know I feel your pain! I get frustrated sometimes too. Today is one of those days. It's that same obstacle I've bumped up against a million times where I feel frustrated and "give in" to temptation because the negative voice in my head says, "Why bother? It's not making a difference anyway. Sure, you may have a little more energy, but you're still in pain and the weight isn't going away. Is this how you want to live? Deprived? For what reason?" This time the strong, lean, healthy person inside me is prepared and plows through the obstacle. My why is strong enough to survive the mental thrashing. Why bother? For what reason? For many reasons... so I don't have to keep going down the same dead end road, so I can get the weight off (it WILL happen) and my knees and feet will stop hurting, so that I can feel good in my skin again, so I will live a quality life with abundant energy, so I will be a good role model for my family and for the people who are looking for proof that faith, persistence, and a healthy lifestyle works.

It is definitely not a straight line from the decision to get healthy and fit to the finish line. It's more like a squiggly line!

Hang in there.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Birdie, Par, Bogey

Golf at Huntington University
My son plays golf in college, and I am so proud of him. I was at one of his tournaments this summer, and my personal fitness coach (my daughter), forced me to walk all 18 holes. It was in the 90’s, and I complained most of the time. I saw people running golf carts up and down the big hills that I had to climb. I really wanted a golf cart. My son carried his clubs and played all 18 holes while loving every minute of it. I, on the other hand, walked the hilly 18 holes without carrying anything, and I was pooped out by the end of the day. But I gained a sense of accomplishment after I walked all 18 holes in the heat.

As I watched my son golf I started thinking how golf or any sport is like losing weight. Here are some of the similarities that I found:

When you golf you have to practice consistently. You cannot decide to quit for a while and then expect to jump back in and win a tournament. It is easier to get in the habit of eating right and exercising than to yo-yo diet and exercise sparingly. Yes, you might have some bad days, just like you might have a bad 18 holes in golf one day, but the most important part is being consistent. Don’t the let bad days outnumber the good days.  

It is easy to get frustrated when playing golf. You have to have patience and you need to remain focused to produce a positive outcome. While you might get frustrated over one hole in golf or one bad weigh in on your weight loss journey, you cannot let these frustrations derail your overall progress. When you let your frustrations cause you to lose focus on the bigger picture you start to give in to little temptations such as eating an extra cupcake because you already ate bad that day so you might as well. While an extra cupcake is not going to cause you to gain a pound right then and there, it can cause you to become more frustrated, which only leads to a pattern of unhealthy choices because you lose focus on your end goal.

My son has a golf coach that supports him at every tournament. When you are losing weight it helps to have a “coach” that you can lean on for support. Your coach can be your sister, your best friend, or even a coworker. You might be surprised at where you find your support from, but is important that you find support from someone you can contact on a regular basis. A coach holds his/her players accountable, but a coach also is there to offer advice. Everyone needs someone that can be their coach.

In golf, some holes you bogey (+1) and some holes you birdie (-1). Just like with weight loss, some weeks you are going to lose weight and some weeks you are going to gain weight. You might do everything right and end up par for the week (not losing or gaining), but you have to accept this and move on. If you are experiencing several weeks in a row of gaining or not losing any weight you should take a step back, examine what you are actually eating and how much or how little you are exercising, find areas in which you can improve, and refocus your efforts keeping this all in mind.  

Golf takes commitment and focus. The same goes for living a healthy lifestyle. We have to be committed and stay focused on our goals. My son never played golf until he was a freshman in High School. He dedicated himself to practicing almost every day. Some of his friends had been playing golf since they could pick up a golf club, but his determination and focus helped him compete with the same kids that had years of practice under their belts. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting your journey or if you have been trying to lose weight for the last 10 years. We are all in this together. Some weeks we might gain a pound, some weeks we might lose three pounds, either way, we are a team. We can support each other, and we can learn from each other. We all have similar goals, and we all want to be the healthiest versions of ourselves.

Let’s go Team!


Food Labels - Serving Size

What do you look at first on a food label? I look at the ingredients first and if there are more than five ingredients or I don't recognize (or even know how to pronounce) one of the ingredients, I put it back! I like whole food ingredients, for example when I buy peanut butter, the only ingredient I want to see is peanuts. Look at the jar of peanut butter in your cabinet and see what ingredients it has in it.

Most people look at calories first, but what is the one thing you should look at before calories? Serving size and servings per package. Many foods that you would think only count as one serving, like a muffin, often contain 2+ servings, but the serving size may be based on a third of the package contents.

What cereal do you have in your cabinet right now? I challenge you to check the label and see what the serving size is. Most likely it is less than a cup. Who eats a half-cup of cereal? Most of us grab a bowl from the cabinet and fill it up. The same goes for ice cream!

Once you start looking at food labels, you will be surprised at how much the serving size and ingredients varies from one brand to the next, even on the same type of food.

Check out this video of a comedian talking about food labels and serving size. I can relate! Can you?


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blood Test


Have you had a blood test recently? I get a blood test at least once a year. Blood test results tell us what is going on in our bodies. When I get a blood test at MGH I always get a copy of my report. I like to see how the numbers have changed from year to year. It helps me keep tabs on my cholesterol, glucose levels, and my thyroid; there are so things that your health care provider can find out about your health through these results. Your doctor will explain your results, and how to either improve your numbers or how to maintain your good health if everything comes back normal.

I really do not like getting blood tests because I hate needles. I have always been terrified of needles. I always thought I would love to be a nurse, but I cannot handle needles and blood. I admire the medical professionals who deal with needles, blood, and patients like me on a daily basis. I feel sorry for the phlebotomist that draws my blood, because I can be such a wimp. It never really hurts; it is just the thought of the needle that makes me squirm. It only takes seconds for the blood test to be completed, and for my health I will stick it out.

I wanted to do this blog because I feel it is so important to get blood work done. I would have never known that I have hypothyroidism and elevated cholesterol levels if my doctor would not have ordered a blood test.

If you are due for a physical or blood work, please do not put this off. Your life could depend on it. Please do not gamble with your health. It is your choice. Get that blood test done!



"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. 
The secret of your success is found in your daily routine." ~ John C. Maxwell

What is your routine? What do you do every day without thinking about it? I brush my teeth every day. I was not born knowing how to brush my teeth and often didn't as a child. It became a habit when I was a teenager and I can't imagine going a day without brushing my teeth now.

I am working on making exercise just as routine in my life as brushing my teeth. I have heard health experts say to schedule exercise like an appointment, which may work for some people, especially when just starting an exercise routine, but I want exercise to be more than an appointment in my life. I want to make exercise part of my life. In order to accomplish that, I need to make sure I do it at the same time every day. I brush my teeth as soon as I can first thing every morning. When I go to the dentist, they are amazed that I don't have any cavities and ask me what I do to keep my teeth in such great shape. I shrug and say, I brush them every day (with an electric toothbrush that a dentist once told me is key to good dental hygiene). It's not even a thought I have to make.

When I exercise soon after brushing my teeth and follow exercise with a green smoothie, I feel good. It starts my day off right. I also make personal development and spiritual study part of my daily routine. I often listen to Joyce Meyer when I do my morning exercise. Her messages almost always speak to me. Today I listened to her message twice! There were a couple things in her message I really needed to hear. One was, "It's Time." I agree. It is time to recover from food addiction and move on to living the healthy and happy life God has laid out before me. I believe the key to moving on and getting healthy is by making eating clean and exercise a routine.

A routine is not established by doing something sometimes, when I feel like it. It happens when we repeat the same pattern every day. There are varying opinions on how long it takes to make a routine a habit, some experts say 21 days, others say 30-90 days. I believe it is different for everyone and depends on our level of commitment. Many times over the years, I would exercise for several months straight, then skip a few days for whatever reason. Before I knew it, days turned into weeks and I was right back at square one.

No way could I skip a few days of brushing my teeth. I remember being deathly ill in the hospital and still wanting to brush my teeth! It was all I could think about until I got it done. I want exercise to be like that. Not in an obsessive, unhealthy way, but in a daily routine way that helps me get my body in as great of shape as my teeth!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Take Care of Yourself

Have you gone to see a healthcare provider in the last two years? I really believe in going and getting a checkup every year or at least every other year. Even if you think you are in the best of health, you still need to have a physical. Every year, kids who play sports in school are required to get a physical before they are even allowed to practice. I give schools an A+ for making students get a physical before playing sports. You should always make sure you are at the top of your game, health wise before participating in a game, even if that game is the game of life.

Why would we as adults be any different than a child playing sports? Should we not care about our health?  Have you ever thought about what would happen to our loved ones if something would happen medically to us?

It is so important to make an appointment just to have the peace of mind that you know where you stand health wise. You do not want to wait to find out until it is too late that you have a medical condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Would you look back and say “I wish I would have gotten this checked out before it caused this much damage?”

Do you use lack of money and insurance as an excuse to not get checked out? Check with your local hospital. Most hospitals will assist you in helping you find ways to make it possible to afford medical bills. Some people are willing to save money to go on vacations, to buy Christmas presents, and to get new furniture, but a lot of the same people do not think about saving money for their health. If something happens to you because you put off going to the doctor you may not be able to go on that vacation or enjoy next Christmas with your family. I am not trying to scare anyone, but I want you all to be aware of how important making that appointment and taking care of your health is. Eating right and exercising on a regular basis is a start, but some people may suffer from certain medical conditions that prevent their bodies from absorbing the full effect of their daily healthy choices. I went to the doctor and found out that I have hypothyroidism. Now I am on medicine that helps regulate my thyroid, but if you have hypothyroidism you might have a hard time losing weight even if you are doing everything else right.  

Thyroid problems have always run in my family, and now I have it as well. I was feeling awful all the time. I put off going to the doctor because I thought it would go away. Well it did not, and I could have felt better the last several years if I had went to the doctor sooner. After they put me on thyroid medication I feel so much better. So just imagine how much better you can feel by going to the doctor to make sure that there is nothing holding you back from being the healthiest version of yourself.

So please, call your healthcare provider, and let them help you get into the best health possible!



I have never been much into sports. Maybe it was because as a kid I was always among the last to get picked for a team or maybe it was because the one sport I did get to play for a short time in jr. high school, basketball, the coach was constantly making rude comments about my "big boobs" (his words) and smacking my butt. He always yelled at the team and made us run until we puked. This was the same coach that doubled as a history teacher and took great pleasure in lining the class up and giving them a whack with a board - one whack for each letter grade below a B. Some kids were getting whacked every day until their parents showed up to question it. I knew better than making bad grades because I would also get in trouble at home for any grade below a C. I had to stand up in front of the class and get whacked only once. I've always learned my lessons fast! That was my first experience in competitive sports and I shied away from it after that.

Later, when I had kids of my own who wanted to do sports, I again witnessed coaches yelling at kids and often the parents would yell at their kids too. I have seen so many kids feel rejected and cry. It breaks my heart to know that is going to be their view of sports and competition too. For many years, I never understood why competition was necessary.

As I get older, I have a better understanding of sports and competition. It still majorly pushes my buttons for anyone to get yelled at or harassed, but I believe that there is a place for competition in the world because it pushes us to go beyond what we think we are capable of achieving. It helps motivate us and drive us to want to get better at our sport and I believe that the discipline it takes to become better at sports transfers into other areas of our life too.

Like most things, I see competition on a linear scale where either extreme is not good. On one end is no competition, everybody wins. I think there is a time and place for the no competition approach, like in the beginning of learning a sport or anything new, and then the other end of the scale is where everything is about competition and winning at any cost. Both extremes come at a high price. On the competition scale, I am left of center towards the no competition side, but I do see value in friendly and fun competition, and competition that pushes you out of your comfort zone towards living a healthier and happier life. Where are YOU on the competition scale?

Yesterday started week 4 of the 12-week Great Weight Off Community Challenge. When I looked at the report that showed some of the Challengers have lost 6-8 lbs and I have only lost 1 lb, I have to admit that fired up my competitive spirit a little bit, not that I want to "beat" anyone else's "score" but it made me want to step it up, try harder and stay focused. That's the power of competition.

Competition to me is to be better than I was yesterday. My biggest competition is my overprotective, fear-based, survival mode me vs. my abundant, adventurous, infinite possibilities me. I want to win the sport of living my best life.

Let the games begin!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Great Weight Off 1/26/2014

Lost 1.2 pounds

I only lost 1.2 pounds this week. I thought that maybe I was reading the scale wrong. Nope, the scale still showed a loss of 1.2 pounds. My scale is kind of old. Maybe I should buy a new scale. I would love to say I lost 2 pounds, but I have to be honest and tell the truth. I lost 1.2 pounds and I am thankful for that loss of weight. I guess it is what it is, and that is ok. I worked harder this week than last week, and last week I lost 5 pounds.  However, I feel better, and I have more energy this week. I am working at becoming healthier every day, and this is what matters the most to me.

Would you like to be a part of the “Great Weight Off” group on Facebook? I love it! This group inspires me, and it keeps me motivated. We would love to have you be a part of this group.  If you are in the group you do not have to leave comments or ask questions; you can just read the comments others post and use these comments to motivate yourself to become healthier every day. I just now have acquired the courage to post comments on Facebook. I pushed the like button every once in a while, but I hardly ever responded. This group has helped me come out of my shell. Now, I cannot wait to read the comments and questions that individuals in our group post. Challengers have posted healthy recipes on our Facebook page, some of which I have tried myself. One challenger shared a recipe called “no bake energy bars.”  I went right out and bought the ingredients I needed. It is the everyday simple interactions among community members that help us all achieve our goals.

Sometimes we post a question such as “What do you do to reward yourself as you lose weight.” Some users said they get a manicure, new tennis shoes, a pedicure, or new clothes, all of which are great ideas that inspired me to go out and get a pedicure. 

This group has helped me discover other avenues to take that will help me lose weight. Some have written about their struggles while posting about their accomplishments during the week. The support that this group has given to other members is overwhelming! Kathy and I even held a conference call in which a professor at Cornell University in Los Angeles California named Katherine Nilbrink spoke with the group about food addiction along with several ideas on how to eat the right way for better health. We recorded this conversation, and it is posted on the website – just go to and click on the Great Weight Off Icon! 

You could be a part of this process too. I look forward to meeting more and more challengers every week as this group grows. We even have challengers from other states. This is a fun, helpful, and motivating group. Would you like to join us?

This is an invitation to everyone who wants to have the support of others while learning how to live healthy.

To join, email, we will invite you to join our Great Weight Off group on Facebook!


Breaking Barriers

“Sometimes there is a wall standing between us and our destiny, but our walls can break... There is power in breaking free from our own limitations and our own barriers... We are all made for something great. We can move forward. Don't let life contain you, break out.” ~ Joel Osteen

I broke through some barriers this week. I had a stressful day and didn't turn to food to comfort myself. What did I do instead? I called upon my higher power that I call God and prayed for strength, I took several deep breathes, I exercised, and wrote my way through it.

I also stepped out of my comfort zone by leading a group conference call with Katherine Nilbrink, who teaches plant-based nutrition online at Cornell University and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies who helped me understand food addiction on a level I never understood before. I learned that nutrient deficiencies, dopamine surges, and toxic hunger are the scientific reasons food addiction is so powerful. And that these deficiencies can cause depression, fatigue, inflammation, joint paint, decreased immune function, and a host of other illnesses and diseases. I also learned that eating fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds help crowd out food addiction. I know this is true from personal experience because it is happening with me.

Some people can eat sugar in moderation, I am not one of those people. Just as an alcoholic cannot have one drink of alcohol without taking the chance of it leading to a drunken binge, I cannot consume processed sugar and junk food without taking the chance of it leading to an eating binge. This awareness has helped me tremendously because it makes me search for healthier alternatives which in turn leads to a healthier life.

Last Tuesday, I visited the MGH Community Outreach Department and met Kelley Hochstetler, who is the Education Coordinator. Kelley showed me a room full of visual aids that they use to educate the community on health and wellness. There are a lot of interesting aids including portion control kits that show things such as a tennis ball and deck of cards to visually represent a food serving size. There are also fat cubes and sugar tubes that show how much fat and sugar is in popular SAD (Standard American Diet) foods we consume. We will be using these visual aids during our Friday Lunch & Learns. Cami Tedder, Marketing Coordinator, is also helping us by scheduling health professionals to come speak to our group on topics such as exercise, diabetes, and diseases associated with obesity.

Our next Great Weight Off group meeting will be Tuesday, January 28th from 5-6 pm. in the lower level of The Optimist Store located at the Centrum Mall. An elevator is available. (This meeting may be changed to a group conference call due to the extreme weather we are having). Subscribe to our email list or check our Facebook fan page for updates. Our guest speaker will be Megan Gilmore, a local addictions counselor and life coach who will go into more detail about how to overcome food addiction, emotional eating, binge eating, and other limiting behaviors. If you are ready to take control of your health, I invite you to join us.

For more information and updates about the Great Weight Off Community Wellness Challenge, click the purple icon on the Chronicle-Tribune home page at

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sleep Apnea

Well another heath issue has plagued me, and it is called sleep apnea.  I must wear this crazy looking contraption at night to help me breath.  I guess I stop breathing at night. I am so tired all throughout the day. My nurse practitioner at the Pence-Davis Clinic, Adrienne Howard, had me take a sleep apnea test and it revealed that I had sleep apnea. I tried to talk her out of making me wearing this “Darth Vader” mask, but she knew the right words to say to me. I need to wear a CPAP mask to help me feel better and to have more energy to make it through the day. When I wear the CPAP mask I will have more energy to exercise in order to lose weight. Well, I hate this thing... I look like I belong in the ICU at the hospital.  It is really scary looking.  I guess I got what I expected.  I prayed that God would make me come to terms with my weight and He did. I am going to try this crazy alien machine tonight, and every time I look at it I know I am going to keep running the race to lose weight. Now I am a single lady, and I do not think I will ever get married again, but if I do, can you imagine telling my partner that I look like an alien at night?  To be continued…
CPAP Update 
I have worn this CPAP mask for a couple of weeks.  I cannot believe how I feel!  I have more energy than I can ever remember.  Yes, I still feel a little claustrophobic now and then, but I found a mask that fits right under my nose so I feel better. There are all kinds of masks to choose from, but the nasal mask is what I am comfortable with, and it comes in pink.
I am getting used to this CPAP machine more and more every night. I even got a fishing pole like contraption over my head at night to help hold up the tubing. Ha! My blood pressure is going down to a healthy level every morning.  I cannot believe the new positive outlook I have about my life.  I have even been wide awake to exercise in the mornings. Thank you, Adrianne Howard; you may have saved me from a heart attack. I know you were right about having more energy during the day. It did pay to listen to my Nurse Practitioner. My heart thanks you, and my prayers were answered!  
Do you feel tired all the time? Do you wake up in the mornings with a headache and feel like you never slept at all? Do you feel like falling asleep all day long even though you had eight hours of sleep? You might have sleep apnea. If you think you do, please consult your Health Care Provider. It might just save your life.

What is Healthy Eating?

I used to think healthy eating was getting regular instead of super-size at the arches! Later my definition became no fried foods, then it evolved to no meat. I thought at that point, the weight would just melt off. I had never seen an overweight vegetarian. Little did I realize that vegetarians and vegans can eat just as much junk food as anyone else. So after a year of becoming a vegetarian, my definition of healthy eating centered around giving up sugar and processed foods. What in the heck did that leave to eat? I didn't want to go around eating salads and carrot sticks the rest of my life!

Once I started studying the science behind healthy eating, I realized that it doesn't have to be restrictive at all, in fact the more balanced it is and the more variety you have in your diet, the healthier it is for you.

While everyone's definition of healthy eating differs, most of us can agree that an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds, play a big role in a healthy diet. 

There are times when the other stuff finds its way into my diet, but it is overshadowed by my conscious and continuous effort to nourish and fuel my body in a way that best serves me.

Here are some resources that have helped me define healthy eating in a balanced way. I hope it helps you too!

Healthy eating tips for vegetarians

Nutrient Dense Food Pyramid

Dietary Guidelines from the US Department of Health

Healthy Eating Tips from the USDA

Eat Healthy at restaurants

Here is a link Great Weight Off Challenger, Carrie Silvers shared with the group. It has a lot of foods that we may think of as healthy, but actually aren't.

It's really cold outside right now! Here is a healthy chili recipe I found on the USDA website.

What is your definition of healthy eating? What are you favorite healthy resources and recipes? Please share in the comment section below or on our Facebook fan page at 


Friday, January 24, 2014

Pasta Salad

Do you like pasta salad?  I really enjoy pasta, and I have switched to eating healthier whole wheat pasta.  Pasta is one food that I just cannot live without. Since I cannot give pasta up, I have looked for healthier pastas to use in order to make my spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, and pasta salad. One brand of pasta that I have found is called Ronzoni Garden Delight. It contains half a serving of vegetables for each 2 oz. serving of pasta. After I tried Garden Delight Pasta I make my pasta salad all the time.
I like to make up a large batch and eat it all throughout the week for my lunch. It does not take much time at all.  This pasta salad is also easy to whip up if you need something fast to make for any occasion.
I am going to give you the recipe I use, but you can add all kinds of vegetables, chicken, or turkey.  I like quick and easy recipes like this. 

Easy Pasta Salad

1 12 oz. box of Garden Delight pasta or whole wheat pasta

1 ½ cup broccoli

1 ½ cup cauliflower

¼ cup onion

¼ – ½ cup of light ranch

Cook pasta and drain, rinse with cold water. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Chill in refrigerator and enjoy. Makes about six servings. Enjoy!


The GREEN Diet?

What diets have you tried that didn't work? I have tried so many diets it's hard to remember them all. The first diet I can remember is copying what my mom was doing to lose weight which was to mix tomato juice and vinegar and drink that first thing every day. It was so gross tasting. I thought I was going to throw up, but I  kept drinking it thinking it would help me lose weight and not be the biggest girl in the 5th grade. I was taller and bigger than all the kids in my class. I wasn't called fat in those days, just big-boned. I grew up thinking being big-boned was my destiny, but that didn't stop me from trying every fad diet that came along.

I did the fiber pill before meals, diet pills that had wild side effects such as extreme mood swings and insomnia, $200 a week "doctor supervised" liquid diets, low carb, no carb, all meat, no meat, juicing, no juice, low-cal, no-cal (fasting)... the list goes on and on. What happened when every diet inevitably ended was that I would often go on a binge because I felt so deprived and I would gain back all the weight I lost plus more. This pattern continued until the past couple years when it has started to click. What helped me flip the switch was learning about whole food plant-based nutrition and realizing that it is not a diet, it's a lifestyle.

I learn something new almost every day that helps me on my wellness journey. Just a couple days ago I learned that I no longer need to track what I eat because it perpetuates the diet mentality. I was recording everything I ate and I think it helped me at first to realize what I was eating and gauge the portion size, but I know writing everything down and counting calories is not sustainable. The more I study and learn about nutrition, the more I think of food as fuel and want to nourish my body with whole, unprocessed foods, and the more I do this, the less food controls my life in an unhealthy way.

The deprived diet with willpower approach doesn't work. Last night I listened to sports psychologist Dr. Rob Bell talk about his new book, The Hinge, which is about mental toughness. He gave a great example of the deprivation mentality by saying don't think about the number 13. What happens when someone tells you not to think about something? Of course, it's the FIRST thing you think about. I believe the same thing applies to food.

If some diet is telling us not to think about chocolate, or pasta, or french fries, it's going to be on our mind. Dr. Bell suggested instead of not thinking about the number 13, to think about the number 16. So again, instead of not thinking about the forbidden foods, what if we focus on the foods we know nourish our body? Think about fruit and leafy green vegetables. I think this type of reverse psychology and positive rewording is a simple, yet powerful approach to overcoming the restrictive and deprivation based diet model and helps us develop an abundance mentality that leads to a healthier life.

When it comes to diets I feel like Thomas Edison, I have tried 10,000 things that don't work and now I have that light bulb going off above my head with that one pivotal concept that has the power to change my life. Dr. Bell calls it "the hinge." Instead of "no more diets," I am thinking green (as in sustainable) so I can live healthy and lean. I can see it now,. "Kathy, how did you lose 100 lbs?" The GREEN Diet. Maybe we can start a new fad diet that ends all diets!

Think Green!


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Does Food Make You Happy?

Does food make you happy? I have been doing a little soul searching, and I have found that I have always believed that food does make me happy. As this 12 week journey goes on, I am finding out how food has always ran my life. When I get upset, I run to food. When I get together with family and friends, I eat even more food. When someone comes to my home, I am always pushing food down their throats. I am now recognizing this pattern in myself.

I believe it is not about the food. Instead it is about how I abused food. I was eating food like it was Thanksgiving every day. I was trying to push down my feelings with food instead of dealing with issues that were before me. I have to look at everything in a different way now.

Sure, I think it is ok to be excited for a meal that is coming up, but I should not be using a scoop shovel to eat my meal! I am finding out that when I have been eating smaller portions of food I enjoy the food much better.  I actually take the time to taste the food instead of eating it fast in large amounts while wondering what the food really tastes like. Does this sound familiar to any of you?

This blog is really hard for me to write because reality has spoken to me. I am changing the way I look at food. When family and friends get together I need to have healthier foods out. I have been promoting unhealthy foods when people come over, and that not only hurts me, it also endangers the health of those I love.

Now when I have company over I will have healthier choices to offer. I will still have my coffee and creamer (that is always a given), but I vow to offer healthier choices for me and my guests.


The Pain of Obesity

"People change only when they hurt enough that they have to, learn enough that they want to, or receive enough that they are able to.” ~ John C. Maxwell

Being overweight has limited the quality of my life in so many ways. I am uncomfortable in a swimsuit, shorts, dresses, or anything that shows my swollen legs. I am also uncomfortable in short sleeve blouses or shirts. I have avoided social gatherings on many occasions. I have passed up opportunities to go boating, swimming, motorcycle riding, or hanging out in public (like at fairs and festivals) with my husband, family, and friends because I was embarrassed of my size.

Physically, being morbidly obese wears me out quickly. I get out of breath and feel light headed walking up a flight of stairs. My knees and feet hurt constantly. The pain has affected my work and dictates what I can do and where I can (or rather cannot) go.

A couple years ago, I went horseback riding at Brown County State Park, and had to have help getting up on the horse. I felt like everyone was staring at me as I tried again and again to get on the horse. I was thankful it was a big, sturdy horse, but was still worried I was too heavy to ride it. I went to the amusement park with my grandchildren and couldn't fit in the seat on one of the rides and the seat belt wouldn't fasten on another ride. A guy walked in behind me at the convenience store and made rude "fat" comments. I am sensitive to "fat" jokes that have been told in my presence more times than I can count. Obesity is the one prejudice that seems to be accepted. I hear it and see it all the time. I could go on with this list, but you get the point. If you are overweight, I'm sure you could add some painful stories of your own.

I see what obesity has done to my mother (put her in a wheel chair) and grandmother (died of cancer and heart disease). Both of them got adult onset diabetes. I started getting diseases (diverticulitis, immune system issues such as extreme fatigue, inflammation, chronic lung infections, and wounds that were slow to heal) and it made me realize that if I don't turn this around now, I will follow the same path as my mother and grandmother.

John Maxwell says that people will change when they hurt enough that they have to, learn enough that they want to, and receive enough that they are able to. I have suffered enough pain from obesity to last a lifetime, I have spent the last 20 years learning as much as I can about strengthening the mind, body and spirit. And I am receiving the tools, information, and support I need to move forward.

Enough pain. It's time for healing and transformation.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Crowd Out FOOD ADDICTION Podcast #2 with Katherine Nilbrink

Last night we had our first Great Weight off Community Challenge group conference call. Our guest speaker was plant-based nutrition educator, Katherine Nilbrink who has worked in the health, wellness, and fitness field for 25 years. She worked with Reebok to create one of my all-time favorite cardio exercises, STEP AEROBICS! She also worked with Whole Foods to create their plant-based education program. Katherine currently teaches a plant-based nutrition certification course at eCornell University and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, which is how I met her. She was one of my instructors when I took the course last year. I have learned a lot from Katherine and Dr. Campbell. In fact, what I have learned has changed my life and led me to the current path I am on to a healthier life.

During the interview, Katherine explains three reasons food addiction is so powerful and she provides many tips on how to crowd out food addiction. I love this "crowd out" approach to a healthier lifestyle because as Katherine says and we all know, "Diets Don't Work!"

I encourage you to give the podcast a listen and provide your insights and feedback in the comment section below. If you would like more information about overcoming food addiction and the plant-based lifestyle, visit Katherine on Facebook and on her website at

Here are some healthy recipe sites that Katherine recommends: 

To your health!


Portion Control

Do you have trouble with portion control? This is really a hard part of healthy living that I am really trying to work on. I could eat a plateful of spaghetti or of macaroni and cheese any day. I used to make a box of macaroni and cheese and eat the whole thing myself. I would love to eat half of a large pizza with bread sticks and cheese on the side. I have to admit, that is one of the reasons why I am overweight. Portion control is so important when a person is trying to lose weight, and I never really thought about not eating so much of one thing. I always just thought that sticking to one thing on my plate was better than eating several different things. Now I know that I need to cut down on the portions and add variety in order to lose weight and get healthy.

I do not believe that we should say that we will never eat a brownie or a certain type of food again. This is why so many diets fail. We restrict ourselves to the point where we can no longer resists temptation, and when we give in we go all in and eat more than we wanted to, and we do not even savor the taste because we only feel the guilt of “cheating.”

My daughter made brownies last weekend, and they smelled so good. I started to get depressed because I thought to myself, “No Julie do not eat or even get near those brownies.” Did I eat a brownie? You bet I did! But I ate a small piece and walked away so I would not eat anymore. I felt so good after that. I was able to eat a brownie, savor the taste, and I did not overeat all at the same time. I try to always have a vegetable, a fruit, a complex carb, and a source of protein at every meal. I have even seen where you can buy plates that divide your plate up for you. This forces you to have a variety of foods with their proper serving sizes at every meal.

Portion control is my new phrase this year. I am going to think about this every time a meal is prepared and served, and I challenge you to do the same.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Are you Hiding?

Have you been hiding from people since you have gained weight? When you go out, do you hide behind a clothes rack when you see an old classmate that you have not seen since school? Why do we always feel that we have lost our value when we have gained weight?
I know I have felt and done all of the above. Even though we are still the same person on the inside we still feel that others only value what it on the outside. This is because we choose to feel this way about ourselves.
I am going to be going to the YMCA to review some classes that they are offering to the community. I have to admit that I am little scared about doing this. I really do not like to exercise in front of anyone. I feel like everyone is looking at me. I just now am actually posting things on Facebook. I used to only push the like button every once and a while, but now I am reaching out to my friends and my community in a positive way.
A friend of mine, who is a member at the YMCA, goes to several classes every week. I told her about my dilemma and she stated, “Nobody is watching you, they are all too busy working out.” She went on to tell me there are all different sizes and shape of people who go to the YMCA. She also stated that she admired people who are overweight and working out instead of living their life on a couch while wishing they were thin.”  This speaks volumes to me!
I am going to go to a class. I have to put my fears aside and strive for my goal. I will get my head out of the sand, and hold it up high. I am going to go to the YMCA, and I am going to use it as a tool to help me reach my goal instead of only seeing it as a place where people that have already reached their goals go.
Lastly, I want to say that the next big step will be to get over my fear of wearing a swim suit, and I will do this by going to water aerobics classes at the YMCA! I am just going to dive in and not look back.  
Swim class, here I come!

When You Are Going Through Hell Keep on Going!

My phone got shut off, the checking account is overdrawn, creditors are calling, and the printer is out of ink even though I just replaced it last week (ever notice how every little thing increases stress once you're on a roll)... all things I am dealing with today and it's not even noon! There was a time not too long ago that a day like this would have sent me straight into a binge on junk food -  chips, cookies, candy, even a pan of macaroni and cheese, anything to comfort me and take my mind off of my problems. With my renewed commitment to getting healthy and not letting stress derail me, I have been doing a lot of prayer, saying "this too shall pass" and breathing deeply. It is a different feeling dealing with the emotion instead of numbing it out -  not easy, but empowering.

I have more questions than answers, I don't understand why some things happen the way they do, or how one can work so hard and still feel stuck in a rut, but what I do know is that I will continue on my path of helping others live their best life and I will give everything I got to living my best life too which includes eating nourishing food to fuel my body not to comfort my soul. I will stay focused on what I want instead of dwelling on what I don't want. I will rise above the temptation to wallow in despair. It doesn't mean that there aren't issues I deal with every day because there are a mountain of them, what I listed above doesn't even scratch the surface, but what I see is that most of them are money related, and have very little to do with health and peace of mind unless I let the negative thoughts simmer in my mind instead of letting them just sail right on through. I love that saying, "When you're going through hell, keep on going." I can't hang on to negative, self-defeating thoughts - it's like hanging on to a hand grenade. Stewing about things destroys our peace of mind and causes bodily harm too.

I refuse to let my circumstances define me or deter me away from my mission. I pray for strength. I am grateful for my faith because I know I couldn't do it on my own. Philippians 4:13 is my favorite Bible verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I take care of what I can and I let the ball of negative emotion go. I let go and let God. I redirect my energy to gratitude. I want you to know that you can do it too.Whatever is happening in your life does not have to define you nor does it have to make you eat junk food. It's a choice we make. I am going to eat clean and take care of business, do what I can do, keep praying, keep breathing, keep on going.


Monday, January 20, 2014

What is Better than Comfort Food?

I walked past the pretzel shop at the mall three times today. I was craving a cup of pretzel bites that I always used to get every time I went to the mall. I almost gave in, but I kept walking and decided instead of giving into a craving for comfort food, I would do something nice for myself as sort of a reward for not giving into the temptation to indulge which I know would have led to an internal battle and thinking oh well, I blew my "diet" so I might as well eat whatever I want for the rest of the day and start fresh tomorrow.

I decided to treat myself to some Bath & Body wash. I like the way they are naming bath soap after places I want to visit, I saw some Paris and Rome. I decided on Paris today. It was only $3! That made me happy. Then on my way out I walked past those shiatsu massage chairs and decided I would treat myself to massage too. It was $1 for 3 minutes. I closed my eyes and let the stress melt away.

So, for the same price I would have paid for comfort food that would have been gone in a few minutes and left me feeling guilty, bloated, and craving more junk food, I treated myself to a mini spa moment and walked away feeling refreshed and victorious!.


Egg Salad Sandwich

I love eggs! I can eat eggs scrambled, in an omelet, in salads, and in about any way you make an egg. Eggs are so quick and easy to make for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Eggs are not just a breakfast food. When I want to make something quick and healthy to eat, I usually make an egg sandwich. I grew up eating a lot of egg sandwiches.
I ate out at a restaurant the other day that is known for their egg salad. The batter of the egg salad was so smooth.  I had to find out how they made their egg salad. Before, when I made egg salad, I used a fork to crush up the boiled eggs. It was always so bumpy looking, not smooth at all. Is this the way your egg salad looks?
To make it smoother, put the eggs in the blender and then add everything else and blend until smooth.  After I did this, my egg salad looks and tastes just like the restaurant‘s egg salad.
Here is a healthy egg salad recipe that I make a lot. Enjoy!

Healthy Egg Salad
2 whole hardboiled eggs
3 hardboiled egg whites
1/8 cup mustard
1 cup light or fat free mayonnaise
¼ teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon garlic salt
Put ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Spread egg salad on whole wheat bread and enjoy a healthy sandwich.  This recipe makes enough for four sandwiches.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


My scales are broken! They have to be. How can my weight go up a pound and my BMI (Body Mass Index – aka fat %) go down two percent? My conclusion is that I am gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. I am excited about that because muscle burns more calories than fat, even when I'm asleep!

I will never again allow myself to get discouraged because of a number on the scales. I realize that this is a process, a lifestyle, a journey. It's not a diet or a quick fix for me. The Great Weight Off Challenge is a blast. I love the adventure, making new friends and getting reacquainted with old friends, plus giving and receiving support, but this will last a lot longer than 12 weeks for me. It's forever. I am making these changes to save my life and have a higher quality of life. As long as I continue to eat clean and exercise consistently, the results will come; including the numbers I long to see on my broken scales.

Another indicator that my health is improving is my energy level is going back up. I can tell because I have been getting up early to go to the Y instead of pushing the snooze button a dozen times and I don't feel that afternoon slump that makes me want put an ostrich pillow on my head and zonk out on my desk.

So, it's important to remember that the scales are only one measuring tool and not a very reliable one at that, especially when starting a vigorous exercise program.


Great Weight Off - 1/19/2014

213 pounds – Julie Hoch
I have worked very hard this week pretending that I was on the biggest loser. As I shut my eyes and got on the scale I hoped that it would reveal several pounds down. I was surprised to see 213 when I opened my eyes and looked down. What! Only five pounds! This is crazy; I have eaten right, drank mostly water, and exercised. The first week of the biggest loser the contestants usually loose at least ten pounds.
With all of the yo-yo dieting that I have done in the last several years my body is asking me “Is this for real this time?” I am glad that I lost weight even though it was only five pounds and not what I was expecting. Even if you only lost a pound, you are still on the right path towards a healthier life.
Every day we have choices to make, exercising, eating right and being healthy, it is all a choice and the choice is yours to make. You can choose to go down the wrong path which leads to expensive medical bills and healthcare costs. I am a walking testimony that being unhealthy is very expensive. I am choosing to lose this weight to hopefully get off of the medicine that I was put on because of my wrong and unhealthy choices. I know that it is tough to lose weight. Most people that have lost weight say it was the hardest thing that they have ever done. I can definitely say that it is hard to work at a goal that takes a long time to achieve.
I have spoken to and received e-mails from so many individuals who are working hard to reach their goals. I am so proud of all of you. You are my inspiration, and you are the keeping me on track. Keep up the great work “Great Weight Off” challengers.
Whether the scale shows a loss of five pounds, or even a half of a pound next week, I know that I am doing the best that I can, and I know that when we all come together and support one another it is a win, win situation. We have worked hard as a community, and it show others that Grant County stands together as a team!
I would like to invite everyone to the Walk A Mile In My Shoes…for Homelessness Fund Raiser/Awareness Walk. The Grant County Rescue Mission’s 9th Annual Winter Walk is on Saturday, February 8th. I went last year and I was so impressed with both the walkers and the volunteers. I had a great time!  Register online by February 3rd. Kathy and I are going to be there. Please come and walk with us for our health and to help to raise awareness for the Grant County Rescue Mission.
